Episode 7:
Your north node + your 10th house = your (uncomfortable?) business direction
In this episode I riff on astrology, and in particular how discovering certain aspects of my natal chart aided in me letting go of some old stories and actually gave me more permission to SHOW UP in business.
As I dive deeper into the world of astrology, it becomes glaringly obvious just how much we can use this tool for business and in particular, how we set up our systems and processes so that they not only feel good but act as foundations to hold our growth.
Listen in to hear about my hesitation when I found out my 10th house sign, why my north node made me feel so uncomfortable and the new energy I need to lean in to for 2023.
You can generate your free natal chart at astro.com, click on Charts & Calculations, then select Chart Drawing Ascendant.
(I am in no way affiliated with this site, it is just a great, free tool)